- Standard Sizes :SupremeAmerican pool tables come in various sizes, withthe most common being 7-foot, 8-foot, and 9-foot tables.
- 7-foot table:78 inches by 39 inches (playfield)
- 8-foot table :88 inches by 44 inches (playfield)
- 9-foot table :100 inchesby 50 inches (playfield)
- Slate Bed :High-qualitySupremeAmerican pool tables typically featurea slate bed, which is a piece of rock slate that is leveled to provide a smoothplaying surface. The slate can come in one piece or multiple pieces (usuallythree).
- Material :The playing surface is covered with a billiardcloth, commonly made from wool or a wool-nylon blend. Wiraka and Championshipare popular brands.
- Speed :SupremeAmerican tables often have faster cloth compared to British tables,allowing for quicker gameplay.
- Size :SupremeAmerican pool tables have larger pockets than British tables,facilitating a different style of play. The pocket openings are generallyaround 4.5 to 5 inches wide.
- Shape:The pockets are usually rounded, which can affect how balls arepocketed compared to the more square-shaped pockets on British tables.
- Size:American pool balls are larger than those used in British pool,typically measuring 2.25 inches in diameter.
- Weight :The balls are heavier, usually around 5.5 to 6 ounces.
Games Played
- 8-Ball :One of the most popular games played on American pool tables, whereplayers aim to pocket either the solid or striped balls and then the 8-ball.
- 9-Ball :Another common game, which involves pocketing balls in numerical order,with the objective being to pocket the 9-ball.
- Straight Pool :Also known as 14.1 continuous, where players scorepoints by pocketing any ball on the table.
Differences from British Pool Tables
- Size :British pool tables are often smaller, with 6-foot and 7-foot tablesbeing common.
- Pockets :British tables have smaller, more squared pockets.
- Balls :British pool uses smaller balls, typically 2 inches in diameter.
- Cloth :The cloth on British tables is often thicker and slower.
In summary,SupremeAmerican pool tables aredistinct for their larger size, faster cloth, larger pockets, and differentgameplay dynamics compared to their British counterparts. They are designed tosupport a range of pool games that are popular in the United States and otheroverseas countries.